Help us make a difference.

Music Matters. And we need you.

Make a donation.

And if you want to become a sponsor, we have something for you, too! Email us, at for sponsorship information.

People who sing have less stress and are in a better mood. Singing in choir will build thinking skills such as concentration, memory and listening. You will be able to express yourself in a creative way. It gives you more energy while improving your immune system, strengthening muscles and lung capacity.

Recent research reveals that group singing helps forge social bonds, and it does so particularly quickly, acting as a powerful icebreaker. People feel valued and inevitably make friends with individuals from a diversity of backgrounds, so horizons are broadened and social cohesion is improved. Singing has also been shown to improve our sense of happiness and wellbeing. Research has found, for example, that people feel more positive after actively singing than they do after passively listening to music or after chatting about positive life events. Improved mood probably in part comes directly from the release of positive neurochemicals such as β-endorphin, dopamine and serotonin. It is also likely to be influenced by changes in our sense of social closeness with others. Increasing evidence suggests that our social connections can play a vital role in maintaining our health – a good social network, for example, can have more health benefits than giving up smoking (We aren’t encouraging to keep smoking, though!). So it’s possible that singing can improve health by expanding our social group.

Even if we don’t necessarily talk to everyone in our choir, we might experience a general feeling of being connected with the group, leading to our sense of increased community and belonging. And this is why it is important. It helps the individual. It helps the community. And it pays forward endlessly.

So how can you help? By donating. The more donations we get, the more we can do for our community. It isn’t just getting together and singing. We have to have venues, music, accompanists, and even more! And through your generosity - you can help! It’s Science!